ValueQuest Appraisal

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Did you know that our standard turn around time for appraisals is 3 business days or less!

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Rush Appraisal Service

24 Hour Turn Around


Cities/Towns Serviced:
Our Rush Appraisal service is currently limited to those cities/towns specified in the service area section of our web site.  $125.00 fee appllies.
Excluded Properties:
Our Rush Appraisal service cannot be used for complex properties.  Complex properties could be best described as but not limited to those properties that are unique to the market segment or those market segments where there is a scarcity of comparable properties. 
In the event that ValueQuest Appraisal is unable to return the completed appraisal order to the client via e-mail within 24 hours from the date and time in which the subject property was inspected, then ValueQuest Appraisal will refund the rush portion of the appraisal fee back to the party who paid for the appraisal order.  It should be noted that the the Rush appraisal fee is a separate fee from the standard appraisal fee.  




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