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Comp Check


 Please see below. 


   130.         Appraisers “Providing Comps”



I have a client that just wants me to “provide comps” from a neighborhood. Are there any USPAP requirements I must comply with to perform this task?



To answer this question, it is important to identify exactly what the appraiser is being asked to do. If the appraiser is asked to “provide comps,” that would typically mean the appraiser would be exercising his or her own judgment to determine which sales are most “comparable” to the subject property. The appraiser may choose to include only those sales that he or she deems are most similar to the subject in size, location, quality, etc., which could mean that certain sales may be omitted. In this case, the resulting data would have been “filtered” by the appraiser’s judgment, which would have the net effect of providing a range of value to the client. This range of value is defined as an appraisal under USPAP; therefore, the appraiser would be obligated to comply with STANDARDS 1 and 2.


  This should be contrasted to a request for an appraiser to simply provide data. For example, an appraiser asked by a client to provide “sales data of all homes located within a one mile radius” of a specific address could comply with the client’s request without complying with STANDARDS 1 and 2, as the appraiser would just be providing sales data pursuant to the client’s defined parameters. In this example, the appraiser must be careful not to communicate any opinions or conclusions regarding the data provided.



For related guidance on this topic, please refer to Advisory Opinion 19, Unacceptable Assignment Conditions in Real Property Appraisal Assignments and Illustration #4 “Appraisal and Market Information” in Advisory Opinion 21, USPAP Compliance.





USPAP 2008–2009 Edition
©The Appraisal Foundation


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